St George's CE Primary School

Nightingale Class (Year 2/3)

Welcome to Nightingale Class

Hopefully you can find all the information you need regarding Nightingale Class. At the bottom of the page you will find a files list with copies of letters and homework. If you need any other information, please contact

Our class teacher is Mrs Gorczyca and our teaching assistants are Mrs Wright.

On Thursdays Hayley or another member of the Active Tameside team will teach PE and on a Wednesday afternoon the class is taught by Miss Dixon.

Our Timetable

On a Monday and Friday afternoon, Year 2 children will join Owl Class with Mrs Towell for their Science, History and Geography learning.


Our current English text

Our current Maths units

Time (Y2)
Length and height (Y2)
Mass, capacity and temperature (Y2)
Statistics (Y2)
Position and direction (Y2)

Mass and capacity (Y3)
Time (Y3)
Shape (Y3)
Statistics (Y3)

RE Learning Challenges

Do I know the books of the Bible?
Can I recognise the promise that Noah makes?
Can I make links between the promise of Noah and my own life?
Can I make links between the story of Noah and the promises Christians make at weddings?

DT Learning Challenges

How do things move?
Workshop with JuniorSTEM
Can I Create my own mechanism?

Science Learning Challenges (Year 2) 

What is our favourite weather when we think about our four seasons?
What are the first signs of Summer?
Is it Summer everywhere in the world at this time?
How does the colour of a UV bead change over the day?
Why is Manchester often called the ‘Rainy City’ and how does it compare to other cities?
How hot can temperatures reach in Summer?



 Science Learning Challenges (Year 3)

What is a light source?
Identify and Classify
How does light travel?
Which pair of sunglasses will be best at protecting our eyes?
Comparative testing
How does the distance between the shadow puppet and the screen affect the size of the shadow?
Comparative testing

 Geography Learning Challenges (Year 2)

Where is Mossley?
Where could I take a special friend on a special outing in Mossley?
Are all maps the same?
Why would someone need to know my postcode to find my house?
What types of shops/businesses are there in Mossley?
Could I make a map for a visitor so they could find their way from my house to school?
What would appear on a visitor’s map of Mossley?
Why should we be proud to live in Mossley?

History Learning Challenges (Year 3)

LC1: What was going on 4000 years ago?
LC2: Who was Howard Carter and did he help us find out about Egyptian past?
LC3: Where does Ancient Egypt fit in?
LC4: Were the Egyptians more advanced than we are?
LC5: What was life like as an Egyptian?
LC6: Who were the Gods and why were mummies important?
LC7: What’s the fuss about the Nile?


We will be continuing project homework this year. As the children will study different Science, History and Geography units depending on their academic year group, we thought it would be nice to set different project homework. This will provide them a chance to share what they have been learning about when they're split as a class. 

If you're not sure what academic year group your child is in, please ask.

We can't wait to see what they produce this half term!

Project Homework

Year 2

Year 3

Spelling Homework

Each week ten spellings will be sent home for the children to learn and practise. These will link directly to the spelling lessons we are doing in school. Spellings will be tested on a Friday.

Mrs Gorczyca's group 


Mrs Wright's group



Nightingale class will change their reading books every Tuesday and Thursday but the children need to have their reading records in school each week. 

To ensure our children become fluent, comprehensive readers we would like them to read their home reading text at least 3 times. Each time your child reads, it should be recorded in their reading record and signed by the adult who listened to them.

Research suggests that :

  • First read - a child decodes the words but doesn’t fully comprehend the text
  • Second read –a child becomes more fluent at blending the words and begin to read for meaning.
  • Third read –a child is reading fluently and reading for meaning

Please encourage your child to re-read their book at least 3 times before they request for it to be changed.  

Every child has been provided with their login for Rising Stars Reading Planet. The link you will need to access the website is below. Our centre ID is 198939


Below you will find copies of our newsletter, homework and spellings alongside any other letters sent out from Nightingale Class.

 Project Homework - 6 - Egyptians.docDownload
 S2 Newsletter - Nightingale Class.docxDownload
 St Georges Year 2-3 Nightingale Class.pptxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Google Classroom Link

Please use the link below when accessing online learning


Our curriculum plan

Please see below for the curriculum plan overview which shows the units we will be studying this year.

Photo gallery - Year 1/2 - 2022/2023