St George's CE Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage Info


St George's CE Primary School EYFS Vision Statement

At St George’s Primary School, we strive for all children to succeed and become confident and independent learners. We build on children’s prior learning and starting points as well as their experiences at home. Working together with parents and carers throughout their time in our Foundation Stage, we aim to provide the best possible start to their learning journey.

Our curriculum is built around high quality fiction and non-fiction texts which link to a variety of themes and help children to learn and develop the skills and knowledge set out in the EYFS Framework. The children have access to high quality indoor and outdoor provision in which to apply these skills independently and a balance of adult and child led activities also supports their development in the Characteristics of Effective learning.

 Through Quality First teaching as well as a range of targeted interventions, children make at least good progress throughout EYFS from their starting points and are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to have a smooth transition into Year One.

St George's CE Primary School Aims and Objectives are to:

 - Provide a safe and happy learning environment for children from 3 years up to the age of 5 years.

 - Ensure children receive high quality, challenging learning opportunities, which build on the children's interests and capabilities and are carefully planned to work with the Early Years Foundation Stage.

 - Manage the transition between leaving their home environment and settling into our early years unit.

 - Ensure all children feel valued, respected and included.

 - Provide learning through play both indoors and outdoors.

 - Ensure staff and other adults provide good role models in their relationships with others.

 - Provide children with opportunities to develop their physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social skills.

 - Recognise that every child is an individual with his/her own personality. We encourage each child to develop at his/her own pace and to explore the delights of being a child, whilst discovering that learning for life is fun and fascinating.

 - Develop the children’s awareness of diversity in the community and respect for values and customs of others.

 - Be involved with the children’s play, engaging in conversation and interacting appropriately, extending their learning and understanding.

 - Encourage children to take risks in their play and their learning and to foster a resilient nature, whilst acknowledging and respecting boundaries.

 - Undertake ongoing self-evaluation of staff practice in order to enhance and promote children’s learning.

 curriculum overview 23-24 Robin.docDownload
 EYFS intent.docxDownload
 EYFS policy 2022.pdfDownload
 FS prospectus 22-23.pdfDownload
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