St George's CE Primary School

Welcome to

Wren Class

Miss Kay will be teaching Wren Class throughout the Summer term Monday to Thursday and focusing on the core subjects: Maths, Literacy and Science. Whereas Mrs Jamieson will be teaching on Friday focusing on the arts and humanities. We will continued to be supported in class by Mrs Conway and we're all looking forward to a fantastic term. 

Timetable for Summer 2024

Project Homework 

Due in Friday 12th July


Summer 2 Spelling 


Our text for this term is Wolves in the Wall by Neil Gaiman. This tale is filled with suspense and drama, which we will then use in our writing. We will be writing an alternative ending and a non - chronological report about wolves. 

Today we acted out the Wolves in the Wall alternative ending with alligators in preparation for a writing. We worked in groups on our performance and did some excellent team work. 


In maths we will be begin the term focusing on decimals, before moving onto shape, space and measure. 

We will also have our timetable check assessment in June and will be preparing for that via 'Number Sense' daily practice and TT rockstars. 


Science Challenges 

Coming Soon...

Geography Challenges

Coming Soon...

Religious Education 

Coming Soon...

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Wren Newsletter

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is our chosen method of remote learning. This will be used if a child, teacher or class has to isolate due to COVID or cannot attend in person lessons.

The link for it is here.

Our subscribed websites

Reading Planet - This is a service that allows children to access and read a range of books and answers questions at their level. The link for this is here.

Times Table Rockstars - This website is a great, fun way for children to learn their times tables. They can play against their friends and even challenge their teacher. The link for this is here.

Purple Mash - This is the platform that school uses for the provision of lots of our computing. This allows chn to design, build and edit their own games. However it is also filled with programmes that allow chn to explore their other subjects from art and music to writing and maths. The link for this is here.

Other useful websites

Below is a list of other websites that you can access to support your child's learning. There is a mix of free and paid for resources:

BBC Bitesize

Chrome Music


Letters and Sounds

Maths Playground

Messy Church

Times Tables


Enter text...Hopefully you can find everything you need on this website. If you can't or you have any other questions then please get in touch on the class email:

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